Tools For Better Developers

News: 2021 Jun 28 - Jul 09

2021 July News

2 years ago ∙ 1 minute read

Osm Framework introduced JS controllers, and JS unit tests. website project was renamed to, it finalized the post rendering, and introduced a tool for checking broken links. Website v0.1.2

Previous, now abandoned domain name is


There is a new command line utility, that reports all the broken links in the blog source files:

osm check:links

By default, it only reports relative blog links.

If you want to check external, absolute links, add the -x option.

Other changes

  • rendering images
  • transforming relative .md blog file links into valid URLs
  • expanding toc tag
  • rendering category and date links in the blog post header


  • ordering items in the category filter
  • scrolling to a sub-heading adjusted to a sticky header
  • simplified display of applied filters

Osm Framework v0.9.0


JS Controllers

This version introduces the minimalistic JS framework for attaching JS objects responsible for HTML element behavior (called controllers) to HTML elements.

Let's illustrate it with an example.

  1. In the HTML markup, add data-js-{controller_name} attribute to an HTML element. In the example, controller name is test. In the attribute value, pass options JSON, or leave the attribute value empty.

    <div id="test" data-js-test='{"param": "value"}'>
  2. Create a JS controller class, TestController.js:

    import Controller from "../../js/Controller";
    import {register} from '../../js/scripts';
    export default register('test', class TestController extends Controller {
        clicked = false;
        get events() {
            return Object.assign({},, {
                'click': 'onClicked',
        onClicked() {
            this.clicked = true;
  3. Import the controller into the JS entry point of your module, scripts.js:

    import './Controllers/TestController';
  4. Run gulp.

When the page loads, the controller object is attached to the HTML element, the options provided in the attribute value are assigned to the options property of the controller, and the controller event handlers are registered with the DOM elements, too.

See also full unit test.

JS Unit Tests

In the framework project, there is a JS unit test runner page, {base_url}/test/js?file=sample-js.js. It runs tests defined in the sample-js/js.js file.