Tools For Better Developers

Framework: Automating Nginx Configuration

2022 May Osm Framework

2 years ago ∙ 1 minute read

I've implemented the commands as specified.

One thing that is different is under sudo, osmt command alias is no longer defined, and you have to write full unaliased command, for example:

# sudo osmt config:host doesn't work 
sudo php vendor/osmphp/framework/bin/tools.php config:host

It's not pretty, but works. If you have a suggestion on making it more elegant, let's discuss.

Overall, the installation experience is a lot smoother!

Typical usage:

osmt config:nginx
sudo php vendor/osmphp/framework/bin/tools.php config:host
sudo php vendor/osmphp/framework/bin/tools.php install:nginx

For more details, see documentation.