Tools For Better Developers

Osm Admin: Roadmap

2022 July Osm Admin

2 years ago ∙ 1 minute read

It's July already, and I feel that summer finally starts for me. On one hand, better late than newer. On the other hand, it means a lot less time for coding, and more time for reflection.

Let's start with a backlog vs roadmap.

Is it getting better or it still the same? - U2

Currently, I don't maintain a backlog - the ultimate product to-do list.

It has a positive side:

  • I don't spend time on it.
  • The pressure of a massive backlog (and on detailed level it would be massive) doesn't hinder my performance (being overwhelmed does affect performance, a lot).

However, there is a negative side, too:

  • After finishing a feature, it takes too much time to grasp the grand picture again, and to decide what to do next.
  • Without checking done things away from the backlog, it's hard to tell if some grand feature is actually finished. Yes, products are never finished, and yet, I need to know if a feature is good enough.

Q. How can it be improved?

There should be a place where all major features of all Osm products are listed. Not in a social media post, not in a blog post - all these things get buried under new content as time passes. Not in Trello, Notion, GitHub Issues, Excel or other software - content structure should be easy to change.

Until I know better, it should an HTML page rendered from a Markdown source.

The document itself is more a "roadmap" rather than a "backlog".

By the way, I really enjoyed this presentation about roadmaps and backlogs.

It should be easily found - a link on the homepage, and a link on the GitHub organization profile will be fine for now.

I ended up with a GitHub project board listing major features as columns, and tasks as cards in those columns.