News: 2022 Mar 13
2 years ago ∙ 1 minute read
Yesterday, I optimized search responses, made search hit limit explicit, and decided not to obfuscate ID in URL.
Here is what we've been working on lately.
2 years ago ∙ 1 minute read
Yesterday, I optimized search responses, made search hit limit explicit, and decided not to obfuscate ID in URL.
2 years ago ∙ 3 minutes read
I came with an idea of much cleaner Osm Admin data class "markup", and more straightforward architecture, and I decided to give it a go in a separate experimental branch v0.2
, and to see if it's viable.
After three weeks of implementation effort, I can say that it is viable, and it's so much better! And it's not a completely new effort, I mostly copy code from v0.1
and some parts of osmphp/framework:old_v4
, and adapt it.
You can already define data classes using new markup, generate the database tables, and query it using new formula syntax. I really wanted to come with some UI working, but there wasn't enough time for that. It stays my priority for the next iteration.
2 years ago ∙ 2 minutes read
Last two weeks were about implementing initial version of an Osm Admin grid, integrating it seamlessly with the editing form, and enabling mass-editing of multiple objects.
After finishing it, I realized that Osm Admin had become bigger than Osm Framework! To keep up, I started writing docs for it.
And now, you have a step-by-step guide for creating a project, adding Osm Admin to it and a practical example of an admin area that you can copy to your project and try it out locally.
2 years ago ∙ 3 minutes read
The last 4 weeks were mostly a vacation. It's been a time for reflection, but still, I delivered some new features.
In Osm Admin, forms already allow creating new objects and saving them to the database, and editing one or several existing objects.
I've also implemented URL query filters that are applied to the underlying database query and that can be displayed in the user interface.
From now on, Osm Framework and all projects built with it - can be installed and developed under Apache and on Windows.
2 years ago ∙ 2 minutes read
In Osm Admin, I've finished indexing. It means that whenever you modify an object in the database, the changes are automatically propagated to all dependent indexed properties in the database.
I've also introduced a grid/form pair as the main user interface concept that is optimized for performing operations on multiple objects. There is also a programming interface (API) that will internally work in the same way, but without visuals. I implemented a part of this interface - an object creation form.
Osm Framework and all projects built with it - including this website and Osm Admin - are upgraded to TailwindCSS 3.0.
2 years ago ∙ 3 minutes read
For the last two weeks, I figured out two core features that will allow Osm Admin to stand out from other CRUD applications:
The foundation for the mass editing feature is data queries. Data propagation will be ensured via indexing.
I've been working on the Osm Admin indexing engine, and it's still in progress. While working on it, I reworked the inner working of data queries. Finally, I've achieved a very clear separation of various Osm Admin concerns, and documented it.
In Osm Core, I added reflection over class methods.
2 years ago ∙ 3 minutes read
I had two weeks full of meaningful, productive work. I started with sketching Osm Admin grid and form pages, and implemented a very basic, but working home page, and success/error messages. To enable that, Osm Framework now have extensible Blade templates, and a nice JavaScript solution for capturing user input into a modal dialog box, or into some picker component.
Then, I undertook a major refactoring of Osm Admin, including moving lots of pieces of code to their new places, stabilizing the underlying object model, rewriting database migrations and sketching future effort on data indexing. During this effort, I implemented generic object hydration and reflection over named subtypes.
I've already shared most of this information on Twitter, so if you are reading this, consider following me on Twitter and getting daily updates.
2 years ago ∙ 2 minutes read
I had two very productive weeks. #buildinpublic works wonders.
Most effort went into my new project, Osm Admin. I sketched how data classes look like, generated database tables from class attributes, and started working on the Admin UI. It's very fulfilling to see how an abstract idea gains shape.