Tools For Better Developers


Osm Admin Getting Started

Version 0.2 ∙ 1 minute read

Create new Osm Admin projects quickly using this step-by-step guide:

  1. Create a new project based on Osm Framework.

  2. Add Osm Admin package using Composer, and re-run the installation script (on Windows, run installation commands one by one instead):

    composer require osmphp/admin:v0.1.x-dev@dev
  3. Add all Osm Admin modules as a dependency in src/Base/Module.php file:

    class Module extends BaseModule
        public static array $requires = [
  4. Create a MySql database, and configure MySql and ElasticSearch connections, or use other database/search engines.

  5. Re-run the installation script (on Windows, run installation commands one by one instead):

    bash bin/
  6. Create initial database tables:

    osm migrate:up --fresh
    osm migrate:schema

That's it!