Tools For Better Developers


Osm Framework Other Features

Version 0.15 ∙ 2 minutes read

Osm Framework uses Monolog library for logging. Use standard logs defined in the $osm_app->logs object, or add your own. Control logging in the settings.{app_name}.php and .env.{app_name} files.



Logs are defined as properties of the $osm_app->logs object. For example, $osm_app->logs->db records all queries issued to the database, while $osm_app->logs->default is for generic purposes, in case there is no more specific log.

In order to use a log in your class, define the log as a dependency property:

 * @property Logger $log
class Foo extends Object_ {
    protected function get_log(): Logger {
        global $osm_app; /* @var App $osm_app */

        return $osm_app->logs->default;        

Then create log entries using its methods, for example, info():

 * @property Logger $log
class Foo extends Object_ {
    protected function get_log(): Logger {
        global $osm_app; /* @var App $osm_app */

        return $osm_app->logs->default;        

    public function bar(): void {
        $this->log->info('Hello, world!');        

Standard Logs

$osm_app->logs object has predefined standard logs.


Use this log for generic purposes. By default, it's recorded to the temp/{app_name}/default.log file.


This log accumulates unhandled PHP exceptions that occur while processing HTTP requests. By default, it's stored in the temp/{app_name}/http.log file.

This log is only used in production, if PRODUCTION environment variable is set to true. Otherwise, exceptions are shown to the user.


This log records all queries issued to the database. By default, it's stored in the temp/{app_name}/db.log file.

This log must be enabled in application settings.


This log records all requests sent to the ElasticSearch, and its responses. By default, it's stored in the temp/{app_name}/elastic.log file.

This log must be enabled in application settings.

Enabling Logs

default and http logs are always enabled.

Enable db and elastic logs in the settings.{app_name}.php file, or, even better, let them be managed by the environment variables:

return (object)[
    /* @see \Osm\Framework\Logs\Hints\LogSettings */
    'logs' => (object)[
        'elastic' => (bool)($_ENV['LOG_ELASTIC'] ?? false),
        'db' => (bool)($_ENV['LOG_DB'] ?? false),

In the .env.{app_name} file, set mentioned variable to true:


Adding Your Own Logs

Add a dynamic trait to the Logs class, add a property of Logger class, and configure it in its getter:

 * @property Logger $my
trait LogsTrait
    protected function get_my(): Logger {
        global $osm_app; /* @var App $osm_app */

        $logger = new Logger('my');
        $logger->pushHandler(new RotatingFileHandler(

        return $logger;

Then, add log entries using new $osm_app->logs->my property.

Customizing Standard Logs

Add a dynamic trait to the Logs class, and add code around the log getter:

trait LogsTrait
    protected function around_get_my(callable $proceed): Logger {
        global $osm_app; /* @var App $osm_app */

        // configure as specified in the original method
        $logger = $proceed();

        // in addition, send log entries as emails
        options = [...];

        // Create the Swift_mail transport
        $transport = \Swift_SmtpTransport::newInstance(
                $options['host'], $options['port'], 'ssl'

        // Create the Mailer using your created Transport
        $mailer = Swift_Mailer::newInstance($transport);

        // Create a message
        $message = Swift_Message::newInstance($options['subject'])
            ->setBody('', 'text/html');

        $handler = new SwiftMailerHandler($mailer, $message, 
            $options['log_level'], $options['bubble']);

        $handler->setFormatter(new HtmlFormatter());

        return $logger;