Tools For Better Developers

Framework: Installation

2021 August Osm Framework

2 years ago ∙ 1 minute read

Once the PHP 8, Node and Gulp are installed, create new projects quickly using the command line.

Note. This post is moved to Osm Framework documentation.



Before you begin, install the following prerequisites:

Creating A Project

Run the following commands:

# download project files into `project1` directory, 
# and install PHP dependencies 
composer create-project osmphp/project project1

# make it the current directory
cd project1

# run the installation
bash bin/

On Windows, instead of the last line run the following commands:

# compile the applications
osmc Osm_App
osmc Osm_Project
osmc Osm_Tools

# collect JS dependencies from all installed modules
osmt config:npm

# install JS dependencies
npm install

# build JS, CSS and other assets

Note. Some commands may show no output. Don't worry - it means they worked as expected :)

After creating a project, check that it works in the command line:


Using PHP Web Server

The easiest way to try out the application is to use the Web server that is bundled with PHP.

Start the native PHP Web Server in the project directory:

# start the Web application on the `8000` port
php -S -t public/Osm_App public/Osm_App/router.php

While the Web server is running, open the application home page in a browser:

Using gulp watch

That's all - you can begin tinkering project files!

However, before you do, run the following command in the project directory:

gulp watch

Keep this command running as long as you change the project files. It detects file changes, and automatically:

  • recompiles the application,
  • rebuilds JS, CSS and other assets.

In some cases, you may need to restart this command.