Tools For Better Developers

Osm Admin: Multi-Editing Form. New Object Form. `osmphp/extras` Package

2022 March Osm Admin

2 years ago ∙ 3 minutes read

In Osm Admin, object editing form is used not only for a single object editing, but also for editing multiple objects, and for creating a new object.

I also created the osmphp/extras package as an easy way of adding Font Awesome icons to a project. Later, I'll add more optional reusable goodies to this package.

As always, step-by-step:


Before delving into edit form behavior, let's finish with rendering:

  • a form that allows editing of several objects at once (multi-editing)
  • a form for creating new objects

A field shows multiple values if the underlying query returns more than one object and the field property has different values in those objects.

Let's request the editing form for two objects:


Form Title

The first thing to decide is the form title. If there is more than one object, let's display the title of one product and the number of the rest products in the title:

Blue Dress And 1 More Product(s) 

Here is the implementation:

// Form
protected function get_title(): string {
    return __($this->table->s_title_and_n_more_object_s, [
        'title' => $this->result->items[0]->title,
        'count' => $this->count - 1,

Merging Values

If a field shows multiple values, its name is in the Form::$item->_multiple array, otherwise its value is in the Form::$item object:

// Form

protected function get_merge(): bool {
    return $this->count > 1 && $this->count <= static::MAX_MERGED_RECORDS;

protected function get_item(): \stdClass {
    $merged = (object)[
        '_multiple' => [],

    foreach ($this->chapters as $chapter) {

    return $merged;

// Field

public function merge(\stdClass $merged): void
    if (!$this->form->merge) {
        $merged->_multiple[] = $this->name;

    $value = null;
    foreach ($this->form->result->items as $index => $item) {
        if ($index == 0) {
            $value = $item->{$this->name} ?? null;

        if ($value !== ($item->{$this->name} ?? null)) {
            $merged->_multiple[] = $this->name;

    if ($value !== null) {
        $merged->{$this->name} = $value;

osmphp/extras Package

FontAwesome icons are not rendered - as the resource files are not migrated from Osm Admin v0.1. It's not the first time that I use these icons - let's make a Composer package and reuse them in any project.

To be exact, the new package will be a place for any extra stuff that I use in my projects, or recommend to use in your projects.

Creating A Package

Create a project as described here:

cd ~/projects
composer create-project osmphp/project extras
cd extras
bash bin/

Package Name

  1. Delete sample code from src/ and themes/.

  2. Edit the package name, description, and PHP namespace in the composer.json:

        "name": "osmphp/extras",
        "description": "Extra libraries for Osm Framework-based projects",
        "autoload": {
            "psr-4": {
                "Osm\\Extras\\": "src/"
  3. Run composer update.

Create FontAwesome Module

// src/FontAwesome/Module.php

namespace Osm\Extras\FontAwesome;

use Osm\Core\Attributes\Name;
use Osm\Core\BaseModule;

class Module extends BaseModule
    public static array $requires = [

Upload Files

  1. Copy FontAwesome font files to themes/_base/fonts/font-awesome directory.
  2. Copy FontAwesome CSS styles to themes/_base/css/font-awesome/styles.css file.

Edit styles.css

  1. Wrap the whole file into Tailwind CSS directive:

    @layer components {
  2. Search & replace through all the url() directives, so that they are url("fonts/font-awesome/..."). The reason is the directory structure of the public theme directory:

    styles.css           # all CSS files are merged into here
    fonts/               # all font directories are merged into here

Create GitHub Repository

  1. Create the public GitHub repository osmphp/extras. osmphp organization is configured to create a default branch named v0.1.

  2. Put the local project under Git, and push it to the new repository:

    git init
    git add .
    git commit -m "first commit"
    git branch -M v0.1
    git remote add origin
    git push -u origin v0.1

Publish Package

  1. Remove and commit. Or even better, write a relevant one.
  2. Create v0.1.0 Git tag.
  3. Push.
  4. On Packagist, publish the package.

Use Package

  1. Add the new package to your project (in my case, it's Osm Admin):

    composer require osmphp/extras
  2. Add the module name to the list of your module dependencies:

    public static array $requires = [
  3. Restart Gulp:

    gulp && gulp watch

New Object Form

New object form should be displayed on GET /create page.

Let's create the route class:

 * @property Form $form_view
#[Ui(Admin::class), Name('GET /create')]
class CreatePage extends Route
    protected function get_form_view(): Form|View {
        return view($this->table->form_view);

    public function run(): Response
        return view_response($this->form_view->template, $this->form_view->data);

The edit page set new load flag, and the form checks it:

// EditPage
protected function get_form_view(): Form|View {
    return view($this->table->form_view, [
        'load' => true,
        'http_query' => $this->http->query,

// Form
public bool $load = false;

protected function get_query(): Query {
    $query = ui_query($this->table->name);

    if ($this->load) {
                'limit', 'offset', 'order', 'select')

    $query->db_query->select('id', 'title');

    foreach ($this->chapters as $chapter) {

    return $query;

protected function get_count(): int {
    return $this->load ? $this->result->count : 0;