Tools For Better Developers

Osm Admin: Implementing New Migration Approach

2022 May Osm Admin

2 years ago ∙ 4 minutes read

I must say, it's a bit disturbing to implement the same thing for the third time. Still, the goal is to get it finished, and have it sustainable.

After the effort, the code has become su much easier to read!

Check it out:


The property migrate() method returns to its roots. It's called in various use cases:

  • If it's new table, it's called in CREATE mode.
  • If it's an existing table, it's called three times:
    • before data conversion, in PRE_ALTER mode;
    • for data conversion, in CONVERT mode;
    • after data conversion, in POST_ALTER mode.
  • For DDL operations, a table Blueprint is passed as an argument.
  • For SQL operations, a data conversion Query is passed as an argument.
  • Before doing actual operation, the migrate() method is called one more time without passing a table or a query, and only if it returns true, the actual migration is executed.

The implementation:

// Osm\Admin\Schema\Diff\Property
public function migrate(string $mode, Blueprint $table = null,
    Query $query = null): bool
    return match ($mode) {
        static::CREATE =>
        static::PRE_ALTER => empty($this->convert)
            ? $this->migrateWithoutData($table)
            : $this->beforeMigratingData($table),
        static::CONVERT =>
            !empty($this->convert) && $this->migrateData($query),
        static::POST_ALTER =>
            !empty($this->convert) && $this->afterMigratingData($table),

protected function migrateWithoutData(?Blueprint $table): bool {
    $run = false;
    if ($this->new->explicit) {
        $column = $table ? $this->define($table): null;

        if ($this->create_column) {
            $run = true;
        else {

        foreach ($this->column as $callback) {
            $run = $run || $callback($column, $table);
    return $run;

protected function beforeMigratingData(?Blueprint $table): bool {
    throw new NotImplemented($this);

protected function migrateData(Query $query = null): bool {
    throw new NotImplemented($this);

protected function afterMigratingData(?Blueprint $table): bool {
    throw new NotImplemented($this);



protected function type(): void {
    $this->attribute('type', function() {
        $changed = $this->change($this->old?->type !== $this->new->type);

        // This method adds nothing to the column definition. The
        // default DB type is already specified after calling the
        // `define()` method, and it may be adjusted later when
        // diffing `size` and `length` attributes.

        if (!$changed || !$this->old) {

        if ($this->new->explicit && $this->old->explicit &&

        if ($this->old->explicit) {


This method signals that property changes using change() method.

If a data conversion is required (normally happens unless you convert it to string), it requests to rename the existing column before the data conversion and drop it afterwards.


protected function nullable(): void {
    $this->attribute('nullable', function() {
        $changed = $this->change(!$this->old ||
            $this->old->actually_nullable !== $this->new->actually_nullable);

        if ($this->new->explicit) {
            $this->column(fn(?ColumnDefinition $column) =>

        if (!$this->new->actually_nullable && $this->old?->actually_nullable) {
            $this->convert(fn(string $value) =>
                "{$value} ?? {$this->new->default_value}");


// Osm\Admin\Schema\Diff\Property\Int_
protected function size(): void {
    $this->attribute('size', function() {
        $this->change(!$this->old ||
            $this->old->size !== $this->new->size);
        $newSize = $this->new->data_type->sizes[$this->new->size];

        if ($this->new->explicit) {
            $this->column(fn(?ColumnDefinition $column) =>

When type, size or unsigned changes, data conversion may be needed. I factored this logic into a separated method that is called after all these attributes are diffed:

// Osm\Admin\Schema\Diff\Property\Int_
protected function checkRange(): void {
    if (!$this->old) {

    if (isset($this->change['type']) || 
        isset($this->change['size']) && $this->becomingSmaller() ||
        $newSize = $this->new->data_type->sizes[$this->new->size];

        if ($this->new->unsigned) {
            $min = 0;
            $max = $newSize->unsigned_max;
        else {
            $min = $newSize->min;
            $max = $newSize->max;

        $this->convert(fn(string $value) =>
            "{$value} > $max ? $max : ({$value} < $min ? $min : {$value})");

protected function becomingSmaller(): bool {
    $sizes = $this->new->data_type->sizes;

        array_search($this->old->size, array_keys($sizes)) >
        array_search($this->new->size, array_keys($sizes));


protected function unsigned(): void {
    $this->attribute('unsigned', function() {
        $this->change(!$this->old ||
            $this->old->actually_unsigned !== $this->new->actually_unsigned);

        if ($this->new->explicit) {
            $this->column(fn(?ColumnDefinition $column) =>
                    ? $column->unsigned()
                    : $column


protected function autoIncrement(): void {
    $this->attribute('auto_increment', function() {
        if (isset($this->old->auto_increment) &&
            $this->old->auto_increment !== $this->new->auto_increment)
            throw new InvalidChange(__("'#[AutoIncrement]' attribute of the ':table.:property' can't be changed", [
                'property' => $this->new->name,
                'table' => $this->new->parent->table_name,

        if ($this->new->explicit && $this->new->auto_increment) {
            $this->column(fn(?ColumnDefinition $column) =>

String_::$size And String_::$max_length

String-specific property attributes are handled in a similar fashion as Int_::$size does:

// Osm\Admin\Schema\Diff\Property\String_
protected function size(): void {
    $this->attribute('size', function() {
        $this->change(!$this->old ||
            $this->old->type !== $this->new->type ||
            $this->old->size !== $this->new->size);
        $newSize = $this->new->data_type->sizes[$this->new->size];

        if ($this->new->explicit) {
            $this->column(fn(?ColumnDefinition $column) =>

/** @noinspection PhpUndefinedMethodInspection */
protected function length(): void {
    $this->attribute('max_length', function() {
        $this->change(!$this->old ||
            $this->old->type !== $this->new->type ||
            ($this->old->max_length ?? null) !== $this->new->max_length);

        if ($this->new->explicit) {
            $this->column(fn(?ColumnDefinition $column) =>
                    ? $column
                    : $column

protected function truncate(): void {
    if (!$this->old) {

    if (isset($this->change['type']) ||
            isset($this->change['size']) ||
        ) && $this->becomingShorter())
        $maxLength = $this->maxLength($this->new);

        $this->convert(fn(string $value) =>
            "LENGTH({$value} ?? '') > $maxLength ? " .
            "LEFT({$value}, $maxLength) : {$value}");

protected function maxLength(
    StringPropertyObject|\stdClass|null $property): int
    if (!$property) {
        return 0;

    if ($property->max_length ?? null) {
        return $property->max_length;

    return $this->new->data_type->sizes[$property->size]->max_length;

protected function becomingShorter(): bool {
    return $this->maxLength($this->old) > $this->maxLength($this->new);

Property::migrate*() Methods

After hitting the first migration test that requires the data conversion, I've got to implement what happens before/after/around the conversion:

protected function migrateWithoutData(?Blueprint $table): bool {
    return $this->migrateColumn($table);

protected function beforeMigratingData(?Blueprint $table): bool {
    $run = false;

    if ($this->rename_old_column) {
        $table?->renameColumn($this->old->name, "old__{$this->old->name}");
        $run = true;

    return $run;

protected function migrateData(Query $query = null): bool {
    if (!count($this->convert)) {
        return false;

    $propertyName = $this->rename_old_column
        ? "old__{$this->old->name}":

    $value = $this->old->explicit
        ? "COLUMN('{$propertyName}', '{$this->old->type}')"
        : "DATA('{$propertyName}', '{$this->old->type}')";

    foreach ($this->convert as $callback) {
        if ($callback === true) {

        $value = $callback($value);

    $query?->select("{$value} AS {$this->new->name}");
    return true;

protected function afterMigratingData(?Blueprint $table): bool {
    if ($this->rename_old_column) {
        $run = true;
    else {
        $run = $this->migrateColumn($table);

    return $run;

protected function migrateColumn(?Blueprint $table): bool {
    $run = false;

    if ($this->new->explicit) {
        $column = $table ? $this->define($table): null;

        if ($this->create_column) {
            $run = true;
        else {
            $run = count($this->change) > 0;

        foreach ($this->column as $callback) {
            $callback($column, $table);
    return $run;