Tools For Better Developers

Osm Admin: GitPod

2022 June Osm Admin

2 years ago ∙ 2 minutes read

I waited for this day too long. Today, I've tried out GitPod, and made it work for a project based on Osm Admin.

Step by step:

Getting Started

Let's start with some project based on Osm Admin, project1.

  1. Download JetBrains Gateway and extract to ~/JetBrainsGateway-222.3153.1/. Open its bin/ directory in terminal and run ./
  2. On JetBrains Gateway welcome screen, install GitPod provider.
  3. Select PhpStorm on the GitPod Preferences page.
  4. In JetBrains Gateway, connect to GitPod, select PhpStorm in the first dropdown field, paste GitHub Repo URL into the second input field, and press the New Workspace button.
  5. Wait while it downloads and opens JetBrains Client with your project in it.

What's Going On

The whole process looked a bit of a mystery to me, but if you think about it, it's not.

First, I created a workspace for my project. Simply put, a workspace is a virtual development machine hosted on a GitPod server. Workspace comes with preinstalled Ubuntu 20.04, PhpStorm, project files located in the /workspace/project1 directory, the latest PHP, Composer and other useful tools.

Then, I opened JetBrains Client. This application is a thin UI layer for the PhpStorm that runs on the remote workspace. Every command I choose in the local Client is sent and executed on the remote PhpStorm, and its results are displayed back in the local Client.

Summing up: I've just got a remote development machine with my project on it, and a Client application displaying PhpStorm running there.

Running The Project

Out of the box, the workspace allows editing project files. It's nice, but not enough. I also want to run and debug the project there.

Let's refer to the README - the project installation should run automatically. Currently, it won't work. For example, bin/ script fails as Gulp is not installed.

After lots of back and forth, I've ended up with the following:

  1. Create .gitpod.yml that introduces custom Docker configuration file:

      file: .gitpod.dockerfile
      - name: Install And Run
        before: |
          npm install -g gulp-cli
        init: |
          mysql -u root -e "create database osm"
          sed -i "s|MYSQL_USERNAME=\\.\\.\\.|MYSQL_USERNAME=root|g" .env.Osm_App
          sed -i "s|MYSQL_PASSWORD=\\.\\.\\.|MYSQL_PASSWORD=|g" .env.Osm_App
          sed -i "s|NAME=\\.\\.\\.|NAME=osm|g" .env.Osm_App
          echo "HTTPS=true" >> .env.Osm_App
          php vendor/osmphp/core/bin/hint.php
        command: |
          sudo service elasticsearch start
          php -S -t public/Osm_App public/Osm_App/router.php
      - name: Web App
        port: 8000
        onOpen: open-browser
      - name: Mysql
        port: 3306
        visibility: private
      - name: ElasticSearch
        port: 9200
        visibility: private
      - name: ElasticSearch Admin
        port: 9300
        visibility: private
          version: stable
  2. Install Gulp CLI in the Docker configuration:

    FROM gitpod/workspace-mysql
    RUN curl -fsSL | \
        sudo apt-key add -
    RUN echo "deb stable main" | \
        sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/elastic-7.x.list
    RUN sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php
    RUN sudo apt update
    RUN sudo apt install -y elasticsearch php7.4-xdebug php8.1-xdebug
    RUN echo "alias osmc='php vendor/osmphp/core/bin/compile.php'"  >> $HOME/.bashrc
    RUN echo "alias osmh='php vendor/osmphp/core/bin/hint.php'"  >> $HOME/.bashrc
    RUN echo "alias osmt='php vendor/osmphp/framework/bin/tools.php'"  >> $HOME/.bashrc
    RUN echo "alias osm='php vendor/osmphp/framework/bin/console.php'"  >> $HOME/.bashrc
    RUN sudo echo "xdebug.mode=debug" | sudo tee -a /etc/php/8.1/mods-available/xdebug.ini
    RUN sudo echo "xdebug.discover_client_host = 1" | sudo tee -a /etc/php/8.1/mods-available/xdebug.ini
    RUN sudo echo "xdebug.client_port = 9000" | sudo tee -a /etc/php/8.1/mods-available/xdebug.ini
    RUN sudo echo "xdebug.max_nesting_level = 500" | sudo tee -a /etc/php/8.1/mods-available/xdebug.ini