Tools For Better Developers

Osm Admin: What's Left. Menu View. Home Page

2022 June Osm Admin

2 years ago ∙ 2 minutes read

It's been 3 weeks after my last commit - I've been ill. And now I feel like a total newbie - I look at the codebase, and I don't know where to continue my last thought. Let's start slow, and gradually get up-to-speed.

Today, I reiterated on what's left in this iteration, and finished the side menu view, and created a trivial home page for the admin area.


What's Left

The iteration goal is to shoot a video that shows how much fun it is to create applications using Osm Admin.

I've already made it fairly easy to create and run a project, create and alter a data class and see table/form UI for it.

Now I'm working on a menu that allows entering table/form UI of every data class defined in the application.

Later. Next, I want to add a page header and fix how the sidebar behaves on mobile.

Then, I want to experiment with GitPod and automate setting up of the development environment.

Finally, a video should come out demonstrating all that.

After the iteration is over, I'll pick one of the following improvement fronts: DX, Schema, Indexing, UI, API.

Last time, I created a menu view, empty, without any items, and added it to the sidebar of the admin area.


It doesn't have a template yet, so let's define one.

The view class mentions its name:

class Menu extends View
    public string $template = 'ui::menu';

It maps to the themes/_admin__tailwind/views/ui/menu.blade.php filename. Here is the first attempt:

/* @var \stdClass[]|\Osm\Admin\Ui\Hints\MenuItem[] $items */

<aside class="overflow-hidden shadow-md sm:rounded-lg my-4 mr-8">
    <h2 class="text-xl px-4 py-2 bg-gray-50 dark:bg-gray-700">{{ \Osm\__("Menu") }}</h2>
    <ul class="text-sm px-4 py-2 text-gray-500 dark:text-gray-400">
        @foreach ($items as $item)
            <li class="p-2 my -mx-2">
                <a class="block" href="{{ $item->url }}"
                    title="{{ $item->title }}"
                    <span>{{ $item->title }}</span>

Just like a facet in the sidebar, it renders a list of items.

Later. For now, the list of items is hard-coded:

protected function get_data(): array {
    return [
        'items' => [
            'products' => (object)[
                'title' => 'Products',
                'url' => ui_query(Product::class)
                    ->toUrl('GET /'),

Later. For now, the menu is non-hierarchical.

Item Data

Let's infer the menu items from the codebase:

// Osm\Admin\Ui\Menu

 * ...   
 * @property MenuItem[] $items #[Serialized]
 * ...   
class Menu extends View
    protected function get_items(): array {
        throw new Required(__METHOD__);

    protected function get_data(): array {
        return [
            'items' => $this->items,

// Osm\Admin\Ui\MenuItem

 * @property string $title
 * @property string $url
class MenuItem extends Object_
    protected function get_title(): string {
        throw new Required(__METHOD__);

    protected function get_url(): string {
        throw new Required(__METHOD__);

// Osm\Admin\Ui\MenuItem\Table

 * @property string $table_name #[Serialized]
 * @property SchemaTable $table
 * @uses Serialized
class Table extends MenuItem
    protected function get_table_name(): string {
        throw new Required(__METHOD__);

    protected function get_table(): SchemaTable {
        global $osm_app; /* @var App $osm_app */

        return $osm_app->schema->tables[$this->table_name];

    protected function get_title(): string
        return __($this->table->s_objects);

    protected function get_url(): string
        return ui_query($this->table_name)->toUrl('GET /');

// Osm\Admin\Schema\Schema

protected function get_menu(): Menu {
    $items = [];

    foreach ($this->tables as $table) {
        $items[] = MenuItem\Table::new([
            'table_name' => $table->name,

    return Menu::new(['items' => $items]);

// Osm\Admin\Ui\Sidebar

protected function get_menu(): Menu|View {
    global $osm_app; /* @var App $osm_app */

    return view($osm_app->schema->menu);

Home Page

So far, so good.

Later. One more thing: there should be some home page maybe with some dashboard, or main KPIs on it.

For now, let's just create an empty home page with the side menu on it:

// Osm\Admin\Ui\Routes\Admin\HomePage

 * @property Home $home
#[Area(Admin::class), Name('GET /')]
class HomePage extends Route
    protected function get_home(): Home|View {
        return view(Home::class);

    public function run(): Response
        return view_response($this->home->template, $this->home->data);

// Osm\Admin\Ui\Home

class Home extends View
    public $template = 'ui::home';

    protected function get_data(): array
        return [
            'title' => __("Home"),
            'sidebar' => view(Sidebar::class),

// themes/_admin__tailwind/views/ui/home.blade.php

/* @var string $title */

@section('title', $title)