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Osm Admin: Adding Explicit Properties. Data Conversions

2022 April Osm Admin

2 years ago ∙ 4 minutes read

This time, I tackled adding an explicit property to an existing table, and then making it non-nullable.

It raised the need for data conversions - additional handling of the existing data - or otherwise, the database engine fails, or the data becomes invalid.

And it made me split migrations in two parts - the one that runs before the data conversion, and the other one that runs afterwards.

Osm Admin: Schema Migrations In Development Vs Production

2022 April Osm Admin

2 years ago ∙ 2 minutes read

Schema migrations are going to be generated and executed automatically under gulp watch. It will result in lots of tiny migrations: add a column, change its type, make it not nullable, and so on.

It's convenient during development, but it might be not optimal to reapply in production. Indeed, it's better to convert a large table to new structure all at once rather than running a conversion for each of the tiny migration.

This observation contradicts the previously stated migration workflow, so let's update it.

Framework: View Prototypes And Render-Time Views

2022 March Osm Framework

2 years ago ∙ 1 minute read

A View is a short-living object that is created and computed during page rendering. You can also create a pre-configured a View object prototype in advance, and then clone it for rendering.

It's important not to execute render-time properties while configuring the prototype.

Use view() helper function to create render-time view instances, and mark render-time properties using #[RenderTime] attribute to prevent accessing them before rendering.

Framework: Application

2021 September Osm Framework

3 years ago ∙ 4 minutes read

In Osm Framework, an application is a set of modules that you run as a whole. There are several applications defined in the project, each having its own PHP class. Mostly, deal with the main one, Osm\App\App. Beside the class name, every application also has a name, the main one is named Osm_App.

Access the current application object, and the main parts of Osm Framework, via the global $osm_app object and its properties. Add your own long-living objects there. Run an application using its HTTP or console entry point, or using Apps::run().

Note. This post is moved to Osm Framework documentation.

Framework: Modules

2021 September Osm Framework

3 years ago ∙ 4 minutes read

Modular software development is a well-known practice of dividing your application into several modules, each doing one thing, and doing it well. It increases readability and simplifies maintenance, as application concerns are fully separated from one another, easier to reason about, and to debug.

Modular development also encourages reuse. It's like a puzzle. Using one set of modules, you'll get an e-commerce application, using another set of modules - you'll get a blog application.

Note. This post is moved to Osm Framework documentation. Deploying Updates

2021 September Website

3 years ago ∙ 2 minutes read

After pushing changes to GitHub, website is updated without any additional manual action. On push, GitHub executes the deployment script on the production server. Most changes are done to content only, and in this case, the deployment script only updates the search index. Otherwise, with the website being on maintenance, it additionally updates Composer and Node dependencies, builds JS and CSS assets, and runs the database migrations.