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Osm Admin: Adding Explicit Properties. Data Conversions

2022 April Osm Admin

2 years ago ∙ 4 minutes read

This time, I tackled adding an explicit property to an existing table, and then making it non-nullable.

It raised the need for data conversions - additional handling of the existing data - or otherwise, the database engine fails, or the data becomes invalid.

And it made me split migrations in two parts - the one that runs before the data conversion, and the other one that runs afterwards.

Osm Admin: Schema Migrations In Development Vs Production

2022 April Osm Admin

2 years ago ∙ 2 minutes read

Schema migrations are going to be generated and executed automatically under gulp watch. It will result in lots of tiny migrations: add a column, change its type, make it not nullable, and so on.

It's convenient during development, but it might be not optimal to reapply in production. Indeed, it's better to convert a large table to new structure all at once rather than running a conversion for each of the tiny migration.

This observation contradicts the previously stated migration workflow, so let's update it.

News: 2021 Oct 11 - Oct 22

2021 October News

2 years ago ∙ 1 minute read

This sprint was dedicated to writing Osm Framework documentation, and indeed, there are 8 new in-depth documentation articles, 4-5 minutes long each.

Despite documentation focus, I kept improving the website. From now on, you can assign a canonical URL to a blog post or a documentation page, and use GitHub friendly relative URLs in documentation.

But the most important thing - I started sharing progress and insights daily on Twitter.

News: 2021 Sep 27 - Oct 08

2021 October News

3 years ago ∙ 4 minutes read website. From now on, Osm Framework documentation resides in the docs/ directory of the osmphp/framework repository, and it is displayed in a separate section of website. New data source indexing engine allows running complex interdependent data synchronization with a single command, osm index. New Placeholder class simplifies dynamic Markdown content generation.

Osm Framework. Apply dynamic traits within the same file using #[UseIn] attribute. Implement fast dynamic routing using new DynamicRoute class. Generate URLs using new $osm_app->base_url property.

News: 2021 Sep 13 - Sep 24

2021 September News

3 years ago ∙ 2 minutes read

This website got a completely new look. There are new blog posts diving into core Osm Framework features. Osm Framework itself offers more convenient page layout, website-wide header, footer and <head>, customizable error pages. The themes support theme-specific CSS styles and JS scripts not bound to any module. New projects come with a handy bin/ script that simplifies installation on Linux. From now on, run osmh without any parameters.